ReadySet Surgical Automation Guide


ReadySet’s automation functionality is designed to streamline the process of assigning reps to surgical cases by intelligently identifying and locating critical segments of scheduling information. The automation functionality works by performing the following for all scheduling updates:

  • Identifying and extracting fields from these scheduling updates that include potential reps or companies required for case support.
  • Parsing those fields, searching for defined keywords to determine which of a surgeon’s preferred reps is required for case support.

To enable and configure automation in the ReadySet Surgical web application, follow this guide. This process requires collaboration with ReadySet support to enable the feature and assist with initial configuration. This guide is intended for use after configurable automation has been enabled by ReadySet support.

Enabling Automated Case Coordination in ReadySet

Contact ReadySet Support: Inform ReadySet support that you want to enable configurable automation.

Coordination: ReadySet support will work with you to enable the feature and schedule a time to help with the initial configuration.

Configuring Surgeon - Rep Relationships

    1. Access the Surgeon Preferred Reps Page:
      • Navigate to the Auto Assignment section in the web application.
      • Select Surgeon Preferred Reps from the dropdown menu.
    2. Identify a Surgeon:
      • Use the search bar to locate the surgeon you want to configure automation for.
    3. Associate Reps to Surgeon:
      • Begin typing the name of the rep you wish to associate with the selected surgeon.
      • Select the appropriate rep from the dropdown list.
    4. Specify Procedures Supported by the Rep:
      • With a rep selected, you can start identifying the procedures they support.
      • Select the procedures from the available list.
    5. Multiple Companies Supporting Same Procedures:
      • Note that reps from various companies can support the same procedures for a surgeon. Repeat the above steps to add multiple reps from different companies if needed – Section two of this guide goes over how to automate which company to associate to an individual case based on the scheduling notes.

In this example above, Dr. Adrienne Adams has two reps associated:

  • Audrey Hum from RSS Company supports Total Knee Arthroplasty, Robotic Assisted.
  • Jack O’Neill from ReadySet Surgical supports Hip Hemiarthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty, Robotic Assisted.

Configuring Vendor Identifiers

  1. Access the Company Keywords Page:
    • Navigate to the Auto Assignment section in the web application from the Preferences page.
    • Select Company Keywords from the dropdown menu.
  2. Configure Identifiers:
    • Administrators need to identify how vendors or companies are listed in the surgical case notes.
    • Add identifiers that represent the vendor company names, or rep names as they appear in the notes.
  3. Dynamic Identifiers:
    • The system supports dynamic identifiers for flexible keyword matching.
    • Use ? to match any single character and * to match zero or more characters. For example, to match ReadySetSurgical, or Ready Set Surgical (with spaces). We can handle this by configuring the following rule: Ready*Set*Surgical
    • Searching for literal “?” and “*”
      1. To declare an identifier that looks for a literal “?” or “*” character, simply place a “\” before the character

Still need support? Contact ReadySet Support: